01223 211606 / info@cambsphysioclinic.co.uk

Cambridge Physiotherapy Clinic

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Sports Injury Clinic in Cambridge

Whether you are an occasional sportsperson or a high international level athlete we at the Cambridge Physiotherapy Clinic are ready to help. We can provide treatment for both acute injuries and give advice and treatment/exercise plans for ongoing recurrent issues.


Assessment will include looking at any biomechanical issues that may be influencing your problem. All our staff have a keen interest in the treatment of sports injuries and some have had extensive experience in particular with tennis, hockey, football clubs and running.


Below is a list of some of the common problems we see:


  • Ankle problems : including  sprains, Achilles tendinopathy
  • Elbows: Tennis/Golfers Elbow
  • Foot issues:  including Plantar Fasciitis, metatarsal pain
  • Knee : Ligaments, patello- femoral issues, Iliotibial band Syndrome, meniscus injuries
  • Shoulder problems- rotator cuff, tendinopathy and instabilities
  • Hip/groin strain
  • Soft tissue problems: bursitis, muscle strains and tears, haematoma’s, joint sprains
  • Post- operative rehabilitation

Treatments may include ultrasound,  strapping , hands on mobilisations, stretches, and targeted exercise programs to mobilise, stabilise and strengthen.


We also offer general physiotherapy, orthopaedics, acupuncture and back pain clinic services.




Telephone:     info@cambsphysioclinic.co.uk 

Online booking:   https://cambsphysioclinic.janeapp.co.uk/



"Under the clinic's guidance, I have been able to make a full recovery to playing competitive tennis, following my elbow dislocation. My range of movement is excellent and your support and guidance was very much appreciated. Recovery time and function of the joint has exceeded all my initial expectations".