What to expect?
When you first arrive at the clinic you may be asked to complete a registration form to make sure we have all your correct contact details.
You will be called in by your physiotherapist who will introduce themselves. You will then be asked a number of questions about you condition and your general health.
Following this we will perfom an assessment to look at the way you move, assess your joint mobility and muscle strength, balance and other tests.
It is important that the physiotherapist can view the painful area and possibly areas where the pain can be referred from. For example, if you have pain in the back of your leg, we may need to assess your lower back. It is advisable that you wear suitable underwear and perhaps bring a pair of shorts or a vest top to put on, if needed.
After the assessment is complete your physiotherapist will then discuss their finding and recommendations and together you will come up with a treatment plan. There will be the opportunity to ask any questions you may have.
You can also ask for a chaperone at any time during your sessions. This could be another clinician, the clinic receptionist or family/friend that comes with you to the appointment. We can’t guarantee there will always be a member of clinic staff available at your appointment time, so it would be best if you call ahead to check. If you arrive and no-one is available, we can re-schedule your appointment to another time.
We always want you to feel comfortable during your sessions so at any time, you can change your mind about undressing or ask for a chaperone to accompany you.
Booking is easy with our online system, or alternatively please Contact Us.