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Cambridge Physiotherapy Clinic

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Acupuncture and Dry Needling in Cambridge

Acupuncture has been used in China for over 2,000 years and is increasingly used in Western medicine for the treatment of various health conditions. When used in physiotherapy it is used to reduce pain, improve sleep and encourages a sense of well-being. Research has shown this is achieved by the release of endorphins and oxtocin, following insertion of the very fine needles.


Whilst it doesn’t work for everyone, it can be a very useful adjunct to our treatments, especially when more conventional treatments have not worked. Generally, patients know after 3-4 sessions whether it’ll work for them. 


Lucy and Marc find acupuncture is a useful treatment alongside their more traditional physiotherapy skills. They are both members of the Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (AACP) which ensures all members adhere to a strict code of practice and keep up with regular training and updates.


Dave is trained in dry needling. This focuses more on the relaese of trigger points using the same needles as acupuncture and can be equally useful alongside other tretaments.


If you’d like to discuss whether acupuncture or dry needling may be helpful for you, please ring the clinic to discuss with one of the physiotherapists or book an appointment.


We also offer a range of related servcies including physiotherapy, orthopaedicssports injury clinic and back pain clinic services in Cambridge.


Booking is easy with our online system, or alternatively please Contact Us.

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